The destruction of the Christian tradition)
The Magazine 30 Days also held an interview several years ago with the head of the Italian
Freemasons. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy stated: “As for that, it seems that
John XXIII was initiated (into a Masonic Lodge) in Paris and participated in the work of the
Istanbul Workshops.” Giovanni Cubeddu, 30 Days, Issue No. 2-1994., p. 25.
Marie des anges, Fatima: The astonishing truth, p. 340
"Exile (as Papal Nuncio to Turkey) was to last nineteen years. The end of the first ten found Nuncio Roncalli in Istanbul (sic) where, according to the Milanese journalist, Pier Carpi, who claims to have absolute proof for the fact, he was initiated into Masonry, attaining, like Pius IX, the 18th or Rosicrucian Degree. Unlike Pio Nono, however, Roncalli apparently never repented. In France today, retired members of the gorgeously caparisoned Presidential Guarde Republicaine, attest to the fact that from their post of duty in Paris during the mid-1940's they had been able to observe the Nuncio in civilian clothes leaving his residence to attend the Thursday evening meetings of the Grand Orient of France." Mary Ball Martinez. The Undermining of the Catholic Church, p. 117
According to Carpi's book, during his Nunciature in Turkey, Roncalli was admitted "into the sect of the Temple" receiving the name "Brother John" - Prophesies of John XXIII, Pier Carpi, p. 52. http://prophecy333.blogspot. com/2006/09/pope-john-xxiii- was-practicing.html Portuguese Newspaper 2002